My name is Gregor Mathes and I’m a PostDoc in Analytical Palaeontology applying novel statistical tools to the fossil record.

The goal of my research is to explore how life on Earth interacts with climate, with emphasis on applying this knowledge of the past to the current climate crisis. I approach research with the belief that truth isn’t inherently embedded in data alone. It requires careful consideration, leveraging expertise, prior knowledge, and appropriate tools, echoing the perspectives of scholars like Judea Pearl and Richard McElreath.

About me Contact me

Recent Publications

Awards & Honors

Early career research award

For outstanding achievements during the dissertation


Awarded for excellent contributions to the field of Palaeontology

Defended my PhD with highest honors

Awarded as best Dissertation of the Faculty 2023

Cited in the IPCC’s sixth assessment report

Citation for our paper on complex cascading effects in the climate system (Mathes et al. 2021) in chapter 1 of the Working Group 2 SPM

BayCEER Workshop Talk Award winner

Presentation title: Extinction risk controlled by climate interactions

Best Student Talk

Presentation title: Extinction risk controlled by interaction of long-term and short-term climate change

Master thesis with distinction

Awarded for master theses with an overall grade below 1.2

Invited talk on carbonate microfacies

Invited talk at the international course on carbonate microfacies about foraminifera and their applications

Winner of the 1st FAU International Science Slam

The Faculty of Sciences hosted FAU’s first International Science Slam. Presentation title: Warning: the following presentation may contain foraminifera

Language Skills

Representing relative numeric level of skill















Recent Posts

Research and miscellaneous side projects

Modeling the central tendency within one sample without the normality assumption

Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms

Modeling the central tendency within one sample

Interaction terms as a modest introduction to mixed effect models

Model comparison by means of information criterion and maximum entropy

Backdoor criterions, conditional independencies, and more causal inference


Connect with me

  • Henkestraße 91, Haus 8, Raum 0.272, 91054 Erlangen